Our Services & Methodologies
Every athlete, professional, amateur, or enthusiast, wants to be at their peak. Massage is an important part of achieving top performance. We combine several modalities of massage based on the client’s needs, but typically we focus on Thai Stretching to increase flexibility and to reduce tendonitis; Trigger Point and Esalen for knot and inflammation reduction; and Tui-Na with myofascial for lactic acid reduction and circulation increase. While many massage practitioners focus on one modality, we focus on understanding the mechanics of the body. No one technique is right for every client, but the science of how the body works is the same for every person, and we believe that science should be the basis for every treatment.
- Post WorkoutThis massage focuses on lactic acid flushing, and returning flexibility to stiff muscles. The primary modality is Thai assisted stretching, with Tui Na for knot release.
60 minutes
For inquiries about booking or questions, please call or text (602)688-2255.
- Post CompetitionThis massage focuses on lactic acid flushing, but rather than working on flexibility, recovery and circulation are the focus, so myofascial techniques are used in combination with Swedish movements.
90 Minutes
For inquiries about booking or questions, please call or text (602)688-2255.
- Pre CompetitionWith a focus on circulation and invigoration this massage combines Esalen massage with Thai Stretching this massage is not as intense as many deep tissues as the goal is to maximize performance for the next 24 hours.
90 Minutes
For inquiries about booking or questions, please call or text (602)688-2255.
- DecompressionBalance is important and on days of rest this massage focuses on breathing, stress management, and pain reduction. Swedish Movements are combined with breathing techniques and cranial massage.
90 minutes
For inquiries about booking or questions, please call or text (602)688-2255.